What is Traits?
PHP 僅支援單一繼承: 子類別只能繼承單一物件。
若是一個類需要繼承多種行為怎麼辦呢? Traits 解決了這個問題。
Traits 就是解決在單線繼承的限制下,讓程式碼能夠重複使用。並降低複雜度。
Traits 用於聲明可以在多個 class 中使用的屬性(property)/函式(function),可以是抽象或是任何可視性(public、protect 、private),甚至是靜態(abstract)屬性。
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| trait TraitName { // some code... }
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| class newClass { use TraitName; }
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| trait message { function msg() { echo 'Welcome to my home.'; } }
class Welcome { use message; }
$welcome = new Welcome(); $welcome->msg();
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| trait messageFriendly { function msg() { echo 'Welcome to my home.'; } }
trait messageQuestion { function msgQuestion() { echo 'Why are you here?'; } }
class Welcome { use messageFriendly, messageQuestion; }
$welcome = new Welcome(); $welcome->msg(); echo '<br/>'; $welcome->msgQuestion();
Fatal error: Trait method msg has not been applied, because there are collisions with other trait methods on...
: 宣告前者為主要使用,要是有多個要全部涵蓋進去哦。
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| trait messageFriendly { function msg() { echo 'Welcome to my home.'; } }
trait messageQuestion { function msg() { echo 'Why are you here?'; } }
trait messageC { function msg() { echo 'C'; } }
class Welcome { use messageFriendly, messageQuestion { messageFriendly::msg insteadof messageQuestion, messageC; } }
$welcome = new Welcome(); $welcome->msg();
: 替方法進行別名。
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| trait messageFriendly { function msg() { echo 'Welcome to my home.'; } }
trait messageQuestion { function msg() { echo 'Why are you here?'; } }
class Welcome { use messageFriendly, messageQuestion { messageFriendly::msg insteadof messageQuestion; messageQuestion::msg as msgQuestion; } }
$welcome = new Welcome(); $welcome->msgQuestion();
- 小提醒: 就算有使用
進行別名,還是需要先使用 insteadof